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Swindon, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
We're fascinated with murder, serial killers, criminology and generally the minds of murderers

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Paint, Pain and Pleasure (Couldn't find a synonym for happy beginning with a P)

Today has been a good day, My mother came over early this morning.  Early to me is like 8.30. To my mother, that's about 7.11 - That's what time she rang me to say she was leaving.  I was not impressed.

We began by cleaning my room again, and then building the chest of drawers, bedside cabinet and wardrobe.  Now, when my mum ordered this, it was shown with a double bed.  As I have previously mentioned, I was not happy about the one bedside cabinet.  We now know why.  It's child size.  Yes, the chest of drawers comes just above my knee.  I am nearly as tall as the wardrobe, and I can't fit my pants and socks in the same drawer!

I don't have a picture now, but I will upload one, it's hilarious.  It probably took us longer to build it because we were laughing so much!

Then came the paint - we gave the dark wall a second coat of white and did all around the really annoying radiator pipes.  Then it was off to Homebase.

We got 7 colours mixed.  They are bright - this is going to be my feature wall.

We had to frog tape all the lines so that when we peeled off the tape it didn't take the paint off.

Yes, I am having that many stripes on my wall!

And here is what I've done so far...

It looks amazing! The fuchsia at the bottom needs another coat, and so does the orange, and there's still green, black, more blue and more orange to go in it!  It's going to be amazeballs!

Then...a bit of a downer.  I go to plug my TV in, to go to bed and watch telly.  Now, my TV means a lot to me.  I would've flipped before I was alone, now I'm on my own, even more so.  I was gutted.  Going to watch TV on the iPad for tonight...hopefully mum can fix it tomorrow.

So I was all ready to cry, feeling like shit.  But then...

I had messaged her during the day to check she was ok after yesterday, she was, asked how I was, told her I missed her, wanted to see her etc.  She ignored it, I asked her if she'd done any thinking today, she ignored it.  I asked her if she wanted to meet me sometime this week, just to spend some time together, she ignored it.  So, by now I'm pretty pissed off.  So I message her, not angrily, just upset and say, you could just write no instead of ignoring me, that's not very nice.  She writes back - "Ok, I'm free tomorrow evening".  Wait, what?

Yup, she's agreed to see me, she told me not to read too much into it, and I'm not - I don't think. But I do know that I'm excited as a kid at Christmas right now.  Not a lot can happen here to dampen this mood.

Hopefully I'll be a bit later on the blog tomorrow, if things go well!


  1. The wall and color choices are amazing! Can't wait to see it all finished! You totally have me jonesin' to do a project that's crazy colorful like this in my house now :)

    1. You should totally do it! I can't wait for it to be finished either! I'll upload a photo as soon as it's done, I'm hoping it'll be nearly finished, if not finished by Monday! Eeek!
